The fastest certified brand translation office in Jeddah السعودية جدة
What is a trademark
A trademark is a type of intellectual property that helps protect your brand by distinguishing it from competitors. It is used to protect the name, logo, or slogan associated with a product or service from being used by others without permission.
What is a brand description
Choosing descriptive words that create positive mental images in customers can increase perceived value and make them more likely to buy. Using words that appeal to the senses such as “refreshing,” “exquisite,” “luxurious,” or “powerful” helps customers visualize their enjoyment of your product.
Brand Descriptions
A brand description is a shortened version of a brand description. For example, a brand description like “Product X is the most powerful and convenient way to connect with the people who matter most” becomes a description like this: “Powerful commercial connection.” Descriptions can be descriptive slogans.
Building a brand identity
To build a brand identity, you need to start with three words. For example, Gucci defines itself as “Seduction, Power, Achievement.” Nike's words are "Performance, Originality, Innovation".
What does a trademark mean?
trademark - Latin-Arabic Dictionary
How to choose a trademark name
The trademark name should not be similar in singular or plural form or identical to a previously registered trademark of another person. The trademark name should not be non-Arabic or have no meaning. The trademark name should not be a family name unless the name is established and in the same activity for the customer and has been previously registered for him.
What is a trademark description
What is a description? Home Dictionary Description. It is a functional trademark name, which automatically allows the main quality or application of the product or service to be identified. It tends to be useful in less well-known markets where the audience, searching for trademarks, will first encounter those with a generic name.
What is the logo format
- JPG format: This format is more suitable for paper prints. - PNG format: It is suitable if you are designing a logo for websites or social networking sites. - SVG format: It is suitable when you need responsive designs, especially for web applications. – TIFF format: This format is high quality and suitable for large prints.
How to design a professional logo in 6 steps?
1. Define the brand identity
2. Find the essence of the design
3. Check the competitors
4. Choose the appropriate type of logo
5. Meet with the chosen designer
6. Evaluate the final design
رقم التواصل 0595063008
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اعلانات مبوبة فى السعودية
- المعلن مكتب ترجمة معتمد لجميع اللغات
- رقم الاعلان 36592
- الدولة : السعودية
- المدينة : جدة
- السعر : 150 ريال س
- الاضافة : منذ 3 شهور
- التحديث : منذ 3 شهور
- رقم الهاتف : 0595063008
خدمات تصميم مواقع الانترنت