Course: Effective Financial Modelling in the Power Industry/0201040330979 البحرين الرفاع


This comprehensive Effective Financial Modelling in the Power Industry training course is designed to develop your financial modelling skills through the evaluation and analysis of real-life case studies in the Power Industry. It will also develop your knowledge and understanding of finance enabling you to make financial decisions which will, reduce costs, increase profit and minimize risk. The Effective Financial Modelling in the Power Industry training course will examine the latest tools and techniques modelling risk management and performance of Energy related projects using sensitivity and scenario analysis, simulating world events, such as oil price volatility and demand/supply changes.

This training course will feature

Practical application of financial modelling skills to real life case studies in the Power Industry and your company

Development of finance knowledge and its application to business problems and decision making

The development of Financial Models which will be of practical use to you and your organization

Training using laptops, Excel and the latest financial analysis tools and techniques

Supporting material in both hard and soft copy

What are the goals?

Make improved financial decisions

Develop financial models relevant to the Power Industry

Apply the latest tools and techniques to analyze financial data

Manage financial risk using financial models

Evaluate the performance of Power Industry projects using financial models

Who is this training course for?

Professionals who need to develop a greater understanding of finance

Professionals who need to develop their financial modelling skills

Those who make decisions using financial models or are impacted by those decisions

Those responsible for managing finance

Those responsible for managing or monitoring Energy related projects

???? For more information about our distinctive development course, contact us now:

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#تعليم_عن_بعد  #تطوير_مهني #مرونة_التعلم #تدريب_شركات

رقم التواصل 01040330979
الاعلان متوفر فى :
مدرس خصوصى فى الرفاع
مدرس خصوصى فى المحرق
مدرس خصوصى فى المنامة
مدرس خصوصى فى مدبنة زايد
مدرس خصوصى فى مدينة حمد
إعلانات فى البحرين
خدمات فى البحرين
مدرس خصوصى فى البحرين
  • المعلن scandinavian Acdemy
  • رقم الاعلان 38855
  • الدولة : البحرين
  • المدينة : الرفاع
  • السعر : 1 دينار ب
  • الاضافة : منذ 19 يوم
  • التحديث : منذ 19 يوم
  • رقم الهاتف : 01040330979

بيانات اضافية :

  • الجنس : مؤنث
  • طبيعه المعلن : المالك
  • طريقة الدفع : كاش

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اعلانات ذات صلة

دروس خصوصية فى الرياضيات لكل المراحل التعليمية

مدرس رياضيات ثانوى مستعد لتدريس جميع مقررات الرياضيات لجميع المراحل التعليمية والجامعية والمدارس ا..

80 دينار ب المحرق مدرس خصوصى mahmoud khalid منذ 3 سنة 0 شهر

Course: Effective Financial Modelling in the Power Industry/0201040330979

IntroductionThis comprehensive Effective Financial Modelling in the Power Industry training course i..

1 دينار ب الرفاع مدرس خصوصى scandinavian Acdemy منذ 19 يوم